Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest

Ryan is quite simply one of the most influential, well-regarded, and well-known names in Hollywood. He is the quintessential Hollywood insider who...Full Bio


How Early Can You Get Your Tree? Tanya Went for a Flocked One This Year

Are you getting a real or fake Christmas tree this year? Tanya Rad shared on-air she already got her Christmas tree this year and is hoping it will survive because it's flocked.

Sisanie, however, shared that the flocking won't actually help keep the tree alive longer. In fact, it comes with some other issues like staining your floor when it starts to flake off!

If you want to get technical, flocking is the process of creating texture by attaching tiny fibers to a material and in this case flocking gives your tree that natural, snow-covered look by applying a white, powdery mixture to the branches.

If you also get your tree this early, there are some things you can do to help keep it from drying out by Christmas morning:

1. Keep your tree in a shady cool spot away from the sun.

2. Keep your tree watered daily

3. Keep the tree away from air conditioning (and, of course, the heater)

4. Make sure your tree is always trimmed on the bottom before putting your tree in water

And, if you don't want all your kids craft ornaments on your tree this year, Sisanie has a pro tip! Watch back above.

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