Jason Momoa Fed a Bear With a Cookie From His Mouth

JASON MOMOA had to fight a bear for his new Apple TV show"See" and they decided to us a REAL bear.

Apparently Jason had to give the bear his scent before fighting it, so he fed the bear a cookie with his mouth.

Jason posted the video on Instagram, and PETA was not having it.

They said,, "Momoa apparently doesn't realize that there's no behind-the-scenes justice for this exploited bear. Wild animals are often torn away from their mothers as infants and thrown into a life in which trainers frequently use cruel techniques such as food deprivation, beatings, electric shocks and chaining to force them to perform. We hope he'll refuse to participate in stunts involving wild animals in the future." 

Jason has yet to reply, but what do you think? Have you seen the episode? Watch the video below, and let us know your thoughts on our Facebook!


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