Teenagers Protest Class Presentations

The above tweet has been shared thousands of times, and has thousands of comments.  Most are in support of the idea to protest public speaking in class.  

But are these kids right?  Should schools cut out mandatory public speaking because it's bad for some kids' mental health?  Maybe it's not a question of right or wrong. 

A history teacher in Texas named Kathleen Carver basically summed it up . . . things are just different today.  "We're in a day and age where we have to acknowledge our students' feelings." 

I personally know that public speaking isn't easy for everyone.  Sometimes I struggle with getting in front of a crowd of people... but how can you grow if you are not challenged?  Public speaking is a part of a lot professions...shouldn't we give students the tools they need to succeed?  Let me know your thoughts on our Facebook! 



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